FOCUS II BOOST 28 - Chargers

1 162-5060 24V 20amp battery charger with small SB50 red plug $451.44 1 ships same day
2 162-5070 24V 20amp AGM battery charger with small SB50 red plug $429.37 1 usually ships 7-12 days
3a 270-8393 24V onboard battery charger $693.32 1 (Only to be used if you have already purchased the update kit 272-8618) ships same day
3b 272-8618 120V Onboard charger kit $2,143.60 1 usually ships 17-28 days
4 991-2103 50amp charger plug SB50 with pins (red) $6.17 1 ships same day
5a 162-5079 SCR assembly kit $116.90 1 usually ships 14-18 days
5b 372-1254 Fuse assembly $32.69 1 ships same day
6 162-5087 AC cord set kit $74.48 1 ships same day
7 162-5081 Control board assembly $284.23 1 usually ships 14-18 days