Centrifugal Clutch Assembly

1 999-0044 Washer 7/16 medium split lock $0.99 1 ships same day
2 189-8553 Bolt 7/16-20 x 1 3/4 hex head $2.18 1 usually ships 1-5 days
3 189-8554 Key 1/4 x 1/4 $4.00 1 (instll key after pushing clutch onto the engine drive shft and aligning keyways) usually ships 1-5 days
4 999-0328 Washer 7/16 USS flat $0.99 1 (tighten onto the lip of the clutch) ships same day
5 189-8555 Centrifugal clutch $418.47 1 (remove and discard set screws from clutch before installing) usually ships 1-5 days
6 999-0328 Washer 7/16 USS flat $0.99 1 ships same day
7 189-0799 Clutch top spacer $29.46 1 (installed to align the belt drive section of the clutch to the pad driver pulley belt drive section) usually ships 1-5 days
8 189-0800 Clutch bottom spacer $18.35 1 (should be just inside the lip of the drive shaft hole) usually ships 1-5 days