E20 Brush Hub Assembly

0 274-5508 HUB ASSEMBLY, DISC DECK $60.00 1 (includes 1a, 2a, 3a, 4) ships same day
1a 374-0744 Screw M6 x 30mm hex head socket stainless steel $0.97 3 (new hub assembly) ships same day
1b 999-1300 Screw M6-1 x 25mm socket head stainless steel $1.10 3 (old hub assembly) usually ships 1-5 days
2a 374-1580 Washer $1.18 3 (new hub assembly) usually ships 4-14 days
2b 174-5227 Washer 1/4 steel plated $0.97 2 (old hub assembly) usually ships 4-14 days
3a 274-2649 Drive hub $12.53 1 (new hub assembly) usually ships 4-14 days
3b 174-8319 Brush hub base $38.38 1 (old hub assembly) usually ships 4-14 days
4 174-8322 Drive hub base $26.57 1 (The square key comes separate - order 174-7185 with this for the key) usually ships 4-14 days
5 174-8320 Brush hub spacer $7.70 1 (old hub assembly) usually ships 4-14 days