eForce Scrubber Scrub Deck Assembly - 26 inch

501 164-9763 Nut #10-24 with star lock washer (pkg of 10) $8.75 2 usually ships 18-33 days
502 264-0100 Bumper brush bracket $18.02 2 usually ships 18-33 days
503 999-0206 Screw 10-24 x 3 round head slotted zinc plated $0.99 1 ships same day
504 999-1382 Screw 1/4-20 x 1 truss head phillips $1.16 3 ships same day
505 999-0335 Washer 1/4 x 5/8 SAE flat stainless steel $0.99 3 ships same day
506 164-0969 Rubber stop $5.50 3 usually ships 1-5 days
507 264-0145 Deck lift arm bracket Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
508 264-0112 Cotter pin Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
509 264-0146 Pin Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
510 264-0147 Spring deck lift bracket Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
511 164-1484 Tee $4.75 1 ships same day
512 991-1401 Clear vinyl tubing (sold by the inch) $0.55 7 in usually ships 11-21 days
513 264-0148 Elbow fitting Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
514 264-0149 26 inch scrub deck casting Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
515 264-0150 Left hand drive plate assembly Call for price 1 (includes 538-547) usually ships 1-5 days
516a 996-1595 12 inch Pad driver $87.16 2 (includes 516b) usually ships 13-21 days
516b 164-5038 Pad holder set $50.39 1 ships same day
517 164-9804 Bolt 5/16-18 x 1 hex head (pkg of 5) $9.79 2 usually ships 18-33 days
518 999-0028 Washer 5/16 split lock plain finish $0.99 2 ships same day
519 999-0033 Washer 7/16 SAE flat $0.99 2 ships same day
520 264-0151 Right hand drive plate assembly Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
521 999-0863 Washer 3/4 x 14 gauge narrow bushing $0.99 2 ships same day
522 999-9082 Screw M8-1.25 x 25mm hex head stainless steel $1.85 8 ships same day
523 999-0028 Washer 5/16 split lock plain finish $0.99 8 ships same day
524 164-4612 Wire tie $9.37 2 usually ships 18-33 days
525 991-1401 Clear vinyl tubing (sold by the inch) $0.55 7 in usually ships 11-21 days
526 164-8047 Vacuum motor spacer $5.50 2 usually ships 18-33 days
527 164-9794 Washer thick sae flat (pkg of 2) $10.34 2 usually ships 18-33 days
528 999-0247 Nut 3/8-16 hex jam plain finish $0.99 2 ships same day
529 264-0152 Spring rod Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
530 264-0153 Compression spring Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
531 264-0154 Spring guide Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
532 999-0033 Washer 7/16 SAE flat $0.99 2 ships same day
533 164-9796 Nut 3/8-16 hex nylok insert (pkg of 5) $9.10 2 usually ships 18-33 days
534a 164-9906 Brush motor $782.80 2 usually ships 18-33 days
534b 164-0132 Square keyway 1/4 x 1/4 $4.95 2 usually ships 18-33 days
534c 264-0106 Carbon brush replacement kit (pkg of 4) Call for price 2 usually ships 1-5 days
534d 264-5002 Brush access cover Call for price 2 usually ships 18-33 days
534e 164-5544 Fuse-25 amp $9.63 2 (inline fuse holder in wiring harness) usually ships 1-5 days
535 264-0155 Terminal boot (red) Call for price 4 usually ships 1-5 days
536 264-0156 26 inch bumper brush Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
537 164-9772 Screw #10-24 x 1/2 flat head (pkg of 10) $6.34 4 usually ships 18-33 days
538 164-9804 Bolt 5/16-18 x 1 hex head (pkg of 5) $9.79 6 usually ships 18-33 days
539 999-0028 Washer 5/16 split lock plain finish $0.99 6 ships same day
540 164-0134 Drive hub $177.29 1 usually ships 18-33 days
541 999-0586 Screw 10-24 x 1/2 truss head stainless steel $0.99 2 ships same day
542 999-0311 Washer #10 external star lock zinc plated $0.99 2 ships same day
543 264-0157 Hairpin clip retainer Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
544 264-0158 Shaft hairpin clip Call for price 1 usually ships 1-5 days
545 164-0146 Drive casting $406.66 1 usually ships 18-33 days
546 164-0150 Rubber mount $40.27 1 ships same day
547 164-0149 Drive lug $6.11 6 ships same day